Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Happy 2012!

Some people say and think that everyone needs to touch the flame...  or in other words, make the mistake in order to learn from it.  In a lot of cases, that is true.  In fact I've often made mistakes a few times just to make sure.  Well, in 2012, my goal will be to learn from other's mistakes.  There are plenty of resources out there on just about every subject you can imagine.  Of course you can't read all of it, but I will make a good attempt to make very knowledgable mistakes this year.

This now brings me to lesson one.  If you've read my blog previously, you'll know that I have addressed weight in the past... more specifically my weight and even more specifically my over abundance of it.  What does this have to do with photography you ask?  Mmmm, not much except that it does affect me and a number of my peers.  Maybe by throwing this out there on the table, it will put a little accountability in my court.  Whatever the reason, it's on my mind so it looks like I will express it here.

We all know the story of the Tortoise and the Hare.  It this case, I will choose the way of the tortoise.  Here's where my lesson learnt from others comes in...  My brother, excited and gung ho about the New Year, decided he was going to get into better shape than he already is...  He's in great shape!  So with a new year and new resolutions with a fire to get started, he takes off running.  Nothing against running...  It's a great way to knock off calories and get in shape.  In fact, many moons ago, I ran Cross Country in High School so I have many mile under my belt.  The only thing is, we're not in high school anymore.  Now in my brother's case, maybe this not the issue and maybe he was just the victim of circumstance.  In my case, it is very much an issue because I weigh three times the amount I did in high school.  So as my brother takes off trotting along with his new dog Sade, he finds himself closing in on a guy walking toward him talking on a cell phone.  Edging to the side to make room to pass each other on the narrow sidewalk, my brothers foot caught a relief on the edge of the sidewalk and down he went.  The guy on the phone didn't even offer to help.  My brother found himself hobbling for help and eventually finding a samaritan to drive him home.  He found himself in the E.R. that evening but thankfully without any broken bones.  He's braced up pretty good and is now on crutches and missing work.  Welcome 2012!

So what about this lesson?  I will try to learn from his incident as I do not want to touch that flame.  I will be the tortoise and take it slow and steady.  I'm going to start by walking before I run.  And if I find myself going head to head with someone on a cell phone, they better step aside. When this 300 lbs gets up to running speed, it won't be pretty, graceful or agile.  I'm sure I won't be the only one hitting the dirt.

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